
Saturday, April 8, 2017

Heggie's Rock

Today we took a tour of a local preserve called Heggie's Rock.  What an amazing place!  The Nature Conservancy hosts a very informative tour.

You may click on photos to enlarge

                                                                                  Diamorpha Smallii

 American Fringe Tree

Reindeer Moss

  Reindeer moss is not really moss but a lichen

                                                                 Resurrection Ferns 

The sky was so beautiful today with the contrast of the spring leaves 


  1. Thank you for sharing the pictures from your visit. What a gorgeous blue sky!

  2. Yes! I have heard of Heggie's Rock but I have never seen it, thank you for your great photos!
    Of course, this looks VERY familiar to me, all of these have been on my blog too (from Arabia Mountain, Panola Mountain and Stone Mountain)...the diamorpha, the resurrection moss, the reindeer moss, the fringe tree.)
    Guess what...there is a fringe tree just beside the entrance to the gift shop at the Monastery that we have her in Rockdale County...when I praised them for planting it there, the monk told me that it was there when they built the gift shop...they had no idea what it was, they just decided to leave it...they had no idea what gorgeous blooms would be on it in the Spring!
    It is a gorgeous NATIVE tree!

    1. We MUST get to those places you have mentioned on your blog. I know we would enjoy them.

  3. Such a neat place to visit! Love the pictures! Thanks for helping me identify the mystery blooms!! Everybody thinks they are climbing roses!

    1. Whatever they are they are certainly beautiful.

  4. Most interesting and your photos are lovely, Jackie! They really deserve to be seen much larger.
    I googled these fascinating species. Most of them don't even have a Wikipedia page in Finnish. :) Except the reindeer lichen: it grows also here.
    The Fringe Tree looks gorgeous.
    Thank you for sharing! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you for the kind words Sara. I had forgotten to add the reminder that readers can click on the photos to enlarge. I will do that now! That is interesting that the reindeer lichen grows there. Yes, the fringe tree is a very beautiful tree. Take care.

  5. I love to look up and take photos when the sky is so bright blue! We have the Reindeer moss here in Florida too. It's neat. Lots of pretty flowers to enjoy this Spring! Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. I agree Diane. I feel like all those years I worked and had a hectic life I didn't notice things like this enough. Hope all is well with you and your husband.

  6. Your big trees are gorgeous.. Ours are just beginning to leaf.. I love that last picture of the beautiful green leaves and the blue sky!!!!

    The preserve looks like a great place to visit. We have that Lichen up here --but I never knew its name... Thanks...

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Betsy, My Tennessee family just left after a great visit with us here in Georgia. They commented on the trees/leaves compared to the Knoxville area.
