
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sunday and Back to Hiking

It was so nice to get back to hiking at our favorite nearby place.  Scott's knee seems to be healed so we hit the trails with Annie.

 Ready to go?

Very interesting and colorful

The scent of honeysuckle was fantastic

Decisions, decisions

Almost to the water

What a view!  Bikes and boats were out enjoying the beautiful day.  I stood watching and forgot to take pictures of them

Time to go home.  A tired dog is a happy dog.

Scott and Annie took a nap in the afternoon.  I envy those that can nap.  If I take a nap I cannot sleep at night.


  1. What great photos! We love to hike too and took one this past weekend. It was through the swamps though! heehee! Hugs!

    1. Thanks for your kind comments. Hiking is great isn't it? But, swamps? ...yikes....I am such a coward :-) take care.

  2. Where are these trails? They look so nice! I love to hike too, although been so busy at work I have not had time to do much lately.

    1. Hi Kay, this is the Clarks Hill area. It is on the border of Georgia and SC. and about a 15 minute drive from my house. Sorry work is so time consuming for you right now. I remember those days. I used to escape as often as I could on my lunch hour and walk. I love to walk in cemeteries and could usually find one near work. Public parks are great but sometimes too busy in the cities if you are needing a quite place. Have a good day.

  3. What a lovely hike you had, dear Jackie! Our landscapes and flora remind these, BUT the honeysuckle doesn't grow here. :) I so wish it did, the scent is indeed fantastic.
    Spring there looks lovely. Have a sunny and happy May! <3

    1. I wish I could bottle the scent and send it to you Sara.

  4. Nothing for fun and enjoyment like walking the pooch in the woods in the spring. We take our GSD Lily twice a day for our and her exercise...:)

    1. I completely agree and it is twice a day for us too. We all benefit.

  5. Hi Jackie! Thank you for coming by my blog. I have linked your blog to my sidebar and will visit often. You seem like a kindred spirit (loves dogs, can't nap.) :)
