
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Photography Lesson

Scott gave me his old camera and today we went outdoors so I could practice.  I would love some honest feedback.  I know most of you that read this call or email me and that is perfectly fine.  Whatever works for you.  I appreciate knowing if you have any advice.  I have a LOT to learn!


  1. Hi Jacqueline, I don't know enough about photography to offer any advice but I know what I enjoy and these I enjoy very much. I keep learning by plodding along and I still have a ways to go. You are doing great with your new camera.

    1. Sounds a lot like me...I just know when I like something and I am certainly a plodder. Thanks for your comment! Jackie

    2. Yes, you're a lot like me too. We'll get there. In the meantime you still take pretty photos for us all to enjoy :)

  2. Hello dear Jackie, the photos are lovely!
    I too can say rather easily which photos are my favourites, even though sometimes the reasons to like or not an image may not be clear to us ourselves.
    The second and third photo are my favourites. The second one shows the beautiful flowers more clearly than the first one. The third one is very interesting and dramatic (in my opinion).
    Also the number 5 is very interesting, but the colour of the background (a wall?) is perhaps not the best.
    I have always liked your photos: they are good and the subjects are interesting.
    Wishing you a happy new week and month ahead! <3

    1. Thanks Sara. Your opinion is important to me. I do admit that it is a fun hobby!

    2. It's the best. My motto is "Keep calm and take photos!" :)

  3. Hi Jackie. Like you, my husband gave me his old camera shortly after we married 7 years ago. My late husband was the photographer in our family, so I had very little experience. I'm not an expert in any way, but my husband (the artist) has taken beautiful photos for his studio paintings and basically he told me to loosen up and go for it. When we lived in Colorado I took thousands of photos and what I discovered is that so much of good photography is lighting. Lighting is crucial. I'll bet with the right lighting that last photo would be stunning. Same with photo #3. See, you have the eye. You just need the right time of day, or perhaps a different angle. I wonder how that last photo would look if you had taken it with the light behind you. Just some thoughts. Like I said, I'm not an expert and I'm still learning. Have fun! That's the important thing. ~ Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, you make some great points here. So far people are telling me the number one rule is to take LOTS of photos, practice practice practice!

  4. I love it when you have a flower photo and the background is dark and slightly out of focus. It creates such a beautiful photo. I mentioned you on my blog this morning! I'm showing off my little soldier! Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Thanks Diane. I am so happy he finally has a forever home!

  5. You did a wonderful job.
    The doll that you gifted Diane was cute as can be and I know she treasures him!

    1. Thanks Mildred. Yes, the little soldier is home now :-)

  6. Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing. I just see something I like and take a picture. I'm sure you can tell that from my blog LOL I think you're doing a great job though :)


    1. You have beautiful pictures on your blog, Rue. You made me laugh though :-) Thank you for the kind words. If I am sharing my world through photographs and it appears not-so-perfect well.......I guess that would be an honest and accurate view of my world ......ha ha!

  7. Your pictures look lovely. I have no skills in taking pictures, but I do enjoy others'!

    1. Thanks Magali. Same here.....I do enjoy others too.

  8. Im with Rue above--- i have no idea what im doing!! Ha ha ha lol -- but one thing is for sure--- in having a ball doing it! Im so happy your jasmine is taking off and growing-- yay!!

  9. Hi Jackie,

    I truly believe that great photos are partly due to the photographer's perspective, their 'eye'. If they have an 'eye' for artsy, their photos will look like paintings! Aside from the obvious technical aspects, like good lighting, composition, etc., if you love your subject matter, it should show via your pics!

    Happy snapping!


    1. Thanks for replying Poppy. That is a good point and interesting food for thought.
